Nearly 4 weeks ago I wrote about January as National Mentoring month @, encouraging mentees and/or mentors to share gratitude for the shared time, the discoveries made because of that relationship, and for the influence of the shared time as it relates to becoming that elevated version of self!

As we wrap up January, take just 15 minutes for a 3 step reflection and celebration of YOU- the YOU shaped by your influential relationships with others.

Grab a soothing beverage ☕ (I recently discovered peppermint tea 😋), some paper📒, a fun pen 🖋and get comfy in a space that fosters “relax” for you.

Step 1: Reflect back- as far back into your childhood as you choose…. Who are the top 5-10 people who immediately come to mind as persons who- at that time- you admired/respected well in your relationship with them? 

Step 2: Now… reflect deeper- how did those 5-10 people make you feel?  Why did you respect, admire and gravitate to them so much?  

Step 3: OK- so now….  Tune in even deeper- these 5-10 people have each had a powerful influence on you.  Why?  How has their character, qualities and attributes influenced you?  How has your relationship with each of them shaped who are today?

I encourage you to leverage this reflection in 2 ways:

1. Thinking about who you are and the admirable qualities, attributes, skills, etc. you’re proud to possess because of your powerful experience with your top 5-10, evaluate your current circumstances- personally & professionally.  How well aligned are the decisions you’re holistically making for yourself to honor, leverage, strengthen and infuse your personal qualities and attributes? Celebrate where you are aligned. Consider a wellness “tune up”/adjustment where there’s misalignment (and likely distress and/or dissatisfaction).

2. While it’s the last day of National Mentoring month, it’s never too late to honor those you’ve treasured. If you are fortunate to still have them available to you, take a few minutes to share your gratitude for the impact they’ve had on you for your lifetime you!

Til next week… Keep strengthening your wilfulness muscles!