Strategies to Extinguish “Sunday Scaries”

Since when did “Sunday Scaries” become a pervasively recognized phenomenon? “Sunday Scaries”: “A form of anticipatory anxiety that involves nervousness and dread about something that hasn’t happened yet: the week ahead,” (Healthline, 2020).

Why are we- one, positioning ourselves to be stressed by something that hasn’t happened, and two, uplifting “Sunday Scaries” as a legit stressor?

❌NO, NO, NO!🚫

Take control! Let’s stop 🛑unnecessarily stressing ourselves! Anxiety itself is a feeling related to a loss of control. We HAVE the control to prevent, or at least reduce, anxiety about next week. Let’s extinguish “Sunday Scaries” and conscientiously shift to “Serenity Sundays”. Who’s with me? 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️

Such a freeing feeling- those I work with through coaching and counseling ( can attest!

Here are some strategies that Elyce Kiperman-Gordon, MS, LMHC, NCC, The Feeling Expert® suggests