Personal & Life Coaching

Utilizing a SCAN (Strengths, Competencies, Attributes, & Niche) approach to personalized capacity building, individuals craft a personal and/or professional purpose-driven development action plan to stretch & grow, develop effective rhythms, build confidence and strengthen resilience to mitigate heightened stress, self-doubt, overwhelm, burnout and compassion fatigue and thrive with a more authentic, rewarding and purpose-driven life.

“Hold onto your hats because Meichle’s guidance is a game-changer! Picture this: a safe haven where you’re not just heard, but truly understood. She empowers you to flex those strength muscles you forgot you had, igniting actions that lead to awe-inspiring achievements. With Meichle’s laser-focused coaching, you’ll unveil the secret sauce behind your successes, and boom—hope and resilience skyrocket! Buckle up, because her toolbox of techniques will supercharge your stress-free, fulfilling journey.”


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Available virtually and at locations near you. Rates: $150/ hr. or Quarterly/Annual Contract

Call 716.539.0498 or schedule an introductory meeting